Hi all,
It's been a long time between drinks, however a lot of work has been done in the last 12 months...I've just been too lazy to update the blog! A number of locations around the layout have had scenery started on, including finishing off the Sadleirs yard, parts of the cement works on the branch, the main intermodal/steel yard and the SCT yard.
Due to the fact that when the branch is built (this mostly only applies to the 'big' room though where the branch comes out quite wide) it will be very difficult to get underneath to do scenery work. Therefore it was decided that the most important part of the layout to complete now was the 'big' room, which includes the SCT depot and main intermodal yards, as well as the PN Locomotive Provisioning Centre. Once this is done, the branch can then be worked on and finished off to the end of the line.
As usual, I'll let the photos do the talking to show what progress has been made.
X51 in front of the SCT container stand. |
SCT Depot at night. |
Inside the SCT shed. |
Aurizon makeshift loco depot. |
Aurizon office. |
Intermodal/Steel sidings. |
Intermodal/Steel sidings. |
Intermodal/Steel sidings. |
Intermodal/Steel sidings at night. |
PN LPC, still a fair bit of work to do here, few more sidings to add. |
SCT loco depot. |
Gildan station, XPT storage road and SCT depot. |
Gildan station, XPT storage road and SCT depot. |
Cement sidings up on the branch. |
Cement sidings up on the branch. |
Cement sidings up on the branch. |
Sadleirs siding. |
Sadleirs siding. |
Sadleirs siding. |
SCT train getting ready to depart the yard at night. |
PN steelie leaving the yard. |
Final ballasting/grass scenery complete for the intermodal/steel sidings. |
Hopefully the next update wont be in 12 months time, and I'll try to grab a few shots of trains running during one of our running sessions.
Till next time!