Andersons Man Cave

Andersons Man Cave
Entrance to the cave

Thursday, 30 June 2016

Progress on the branch

Hi all,

Long overdue for an update! Not much has been done since the previous post, however progress has taken place in the from of starting on the branch line which will run around the top of the layout, and the Sadleirs siding behind where the branch line comes off. A few photos...

Embankment on the branch side, grass and trees yet to go in. Polystyrene and 'no more gaps' provide the mountain look.
Looking towards the mainline side, retaining walls made from MDF. Still some work to do.
Sadleirs siding including shed now pretty much complete. Just some paint and lights to go in on the building, can then start on the scenery side of things. An old industrial asset will go in the right hand corner.

A bit of work has been completed on the rollingstock front. First up, a project for a mate to repaint 4 Auscision VHQF hoppers from FA to PN, and add ends to the version they produced without them...

Steel coil cradles available off eBay coming along nicely...

Billet loads for Hawkmount Models RKKY wagons.

Unweathering a Eureka HUB set and repainting the roofs to closer match the prototype. 

In terms of rollingstock arrivals there hasn't been much since the start of the year. PSM A2 and BCE were probably the best acquisitions, RKKY's from Hawkmount, SDS GY's, SRM Snail (or is that Vlocity?) and Auscisions latest rereun of the RY and E Cars. Oh, and picked up a Ben Singleton built XR with DCC for a good price!

Till next time!

Monday, 22 February 2016

Starting to see some colour

Hi all,

Just a small update to keep everyone up to date and where the Man Cave is at. Scenery has begun on the layout, starting where the door is, where the main junction for the container/steel terminal and ballast sidings is located. The technique used is very simple, paint the base colour first (dark grey for the ballast areas and a light brown earth colour for grass areas) and then sprinkle over your grass and dirt whilst the paint is still wet to create more adhesion. For the ballast we use a ballast applicator to get a nice even spread across the track, and then move a bit around to suit what you need (no such thing as uniform ballast in real life!). Once everything is in place, a PVA/water mix is sprayed over the entire area to keep it all in place. 

The signal box, now completed.
Another angle. Those people are yet to be stuck down hence why the base is still visible!
Bit of weathering to be done on the trolly shed but so far looking the part. Need some boards for the track too.
Looking down the dirt road. A ballast pile will be in the corner in the top left.
 A project I've been working on is fitting white discs on all of our VR and coaching stock. As there are no brass etch's available I invested in a leather belt hole punch to do the job. Using thin styrene, I think they turn out pretty well!

Another project I've just completed are kitbashing a few Lima IP coaches into 'near-enough' VR Vinelander sleeper cars. Mods include lots of styrene, decals, Powerline vestibules, #5 kadees, Auscision wheelsets, decals, BGB underfloor kits, SEM handbrakes and steps that were left over from other projects. No where near exact but they definitely look the part!

Till next time!