Hi All,
Been a long time since I've done any updates on the shed, hopefully now will become more regular as I've moved all of my old posts from Victrainz onto this new blog, and will hopefully get out to a wider audience. A lot has happened since the last update. All major mainline trackwork has been laid (with the exception of a few yards as well as the main container/steel terminal) and all wiring has been completed. Have also hooked up all of the Digitrax UP4's. Turntable has been put in place, still yet to fit the tracks to it. The bridge section across the door has finally been completed (a section Dad was having trouble with, thinking about how to achieve what he wanted and getting the right angle). Now onto the photos. 20 to get through today, please excuse the mess! Starting to clean and finish up sections at a time so we can finally complete the maiden run.

Showing the Command Station. 5amp with an 8amp booster. Zephyr will be purely for programming, the Vector box is for point motors and auxiliary's (lights etc.).
Bridge section in front of the door, showing the angle it had to be on. Points and crossover (Have to buy a new one, old one causing shorts) to get onto the arrivals/departure road for the container/steel sidings (Dual Gauge)
Further around. Container/Steel yards where the junk is behind.
Had room for a small mill so thought why not. Points for the Pac Nat loco depot and Container/Steel yards on the last track.
Container/Steel yards head shunt. SCT sidings at the back.
SCT sidings. There's a lot of track under there somewhere!
Sugar siding on the left, crossovers for the Apex siding and the storage yards underneath.
Cabinet made out of spare wood lying around. Lot of trains in there!
Drop track to staging yards in the middle, Apex siding/loop on the left, SG and then the two BG tracks on the RHS of the drop.
Apex siding on the left. Will have a creek running along the middle. Station on the RHS where the piece of timber juts out.
One of the scenic sections! Will have embankments either side.
Showing where the river will run. BG tracks running over an old bridge, SG on new alignment and new bridge.
Sadliers Siding.
Pass yards will be closest to the camera. The start of the branch line can be seen above the BG tracks. Will rise up as it goes around the corner and eventually cross the SG and then continue to climb around the layout. Long way off that though. SG loop at the back.
Main station and more pass yards. Dock for the branch line and a bidirectional run through road for the BG in case passengers are holding up the pass'!
Start of the main loco depot.
8216 doing some testing. This photo shows the main loco depot in the background (DG). Sidings in the foreground will be for Fuel, plus another loop yet to be installed for the cement sidings.
Further around.
Other side of the bridge section. This shows off the SG ballast/maintenance sidings. Any rollingstock that needs fixing or has been fixed is placed in the two sidings on the right which are right next to the door for easy access. Also shows where the cement and fuel sidings come off the BG.
The bridge connected. Still room for the Maintenance siding headshunt to go. Plug is on the left hand side and needs to be in to give power to the bridge and the section on the left hand side. This stops any potential accidents from occurring in case the bridge has been forgotten. RHS does not require this safety measure as when the bridge drops down there is a lip which the kadees will hit and stop the train. Broken kadee is cheaper than a loco!
So as you can see a lot of work has been completed, but theres a lot of work still to go. Hopefully will have the mainline up and running in a few weeks.